Ajouter une règle

POST /v2/rules

Creates a new transfer rule with the ObjectRule passed in the request body. The created entry is returned in the response body, along with its URI.

Example request:

POST /v2/rules HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "string",
    "hostIds": [
    "modeTrans": "send",
    "recvPath": "string",
    "sendPath": "string",
    "archivePath": "string",
    "workPath": "string",
    "rPreTasks": [
            "type": "LOG",
            "arguments": "string",
            "delay": 1
    "rPostTask": [
            "type": "LOG",
            "arguments": "string",
            "delay": 1
    "rErrorTasks": [
            "type": "LOG",
            "arguments": "string",
            "delay": 1
    "sPreTasks": [
            "type": "LOG",
            "arguments": "string",
            "delay": 1
    "sPostTasks": [
            "type": "LOG",
            "arguments": "string",
            "delay": 1
    "sErrorTasks": [
            "type": "LOG",
            "arguments": "string",
            "delay": 1
Status Codes:
  • 201 Created

    La nouvelle règle de transfert a été ajoutée avec succès.

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
        "name": "string",
        "hostIds": [
        "modeTrans": "send",
        "recvPath": "string",
        "sendPath": "string",
        "archivePath": "string",
        "workPath": "string",
        "rPreTasks": [
                "type": "LOG",
                "arguments": "string",
                "delay": 1
        "rPostTask": [
                "type": "LOG",
                "arguments": "string",
                "delay": 1
        "rErrorTasks": [
                "type": "LOG",
                "arguments": "string",
                "delay": 1
        "sPreTasks": [
                "type": "LOG",
                "arguments": "string",
                "delay": 1
        "sPostTasks": [
                "type": "LOG",
                "arguments": "string",
                "delay": 1
        "sErrorTasks": [
                "type": "LOG",
                "arguments": "string",
                "delay": 1
  • 400 Bad Request

    La requête est invalide, soit à cause de paramètres de requête erronés, soit à cause d’un corps de requête invalide.

    Les causes de l’échec de la requête sont données dans le corps de la réponse sour forme d’un tableau JSON.

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
        "errors": [
                "message": "Query parameter 'startTrans' : illegal value 'not_a_date'.",
                "errorCode": 4
                "message": "Query parameter 'status' : illegal value 'not_a_status'.",
                "errorCode": 4
Response Headers:
  • ruleURI – L’URI d’accès à la nouvelle règle créée.