

waarp-analyze accepts the following options

-v, --verbose

Verbose output. All information about the collect of data and the generation of the report is written on the standard error.

-V, --version

Prints version and exits

-o, --output=FILE

Write report to this location. Use ‘-‘ for standard output (default is standard output)

-H, --hostid=HOSTID

Limit analyze to this Waarp instance

-h, --help

Show the help message


Depending on which system user runs waarp-analyze, it might not have the rights to collect all information. It might not have the required UNIX permissions.

To work around that limitation, make sure you run waarp-analyze with the same user that runs Waarp instances.

One-Time Run

Waarp Analyze can be run when needed to get a full picture of the of an instance configuration along with its system environment.

It is useful to debug the configuration or to have all the elements necessary to fine-tune it.

Generate HTML reports

Waarp Analyze generates its report in the ReStructured Text format.

This report can be used as is, or converted to HTML, or any format supported by the various converter that exist (docutils, pandoc, etc.).

To generate a HTML report, you can run the following command:

./waarp-analyze -o report.txt
rst2html report.txt report.html

or use the one-liner :

./waarp-analyze | rst2html > report.html

Run as error task in Waarp R66

It can be useful to run Waarp Analyze as a error task in Waarp R66 to ease the debug of failed transfers by capturing the system environment when the error occured.

To do so, add the following XML to your transfer rules in a <rerrortasks> and/or <serrortasks> (whether you want to run it on the receiver and/or the sender of the file):

    <path>/path/to/waarp-analyze --output=/path/to/reports/#DATE##HOUR#-#TRANSFERID#.txt</path>